Forced Labor, Modern Slavery and Trafficking

Combating Forced and Child Labour

In an increasingly globalized economy, the persistence of forced and child labor remains a critical issue that demands urgent attention. TradeSun is committed to addressing these heinous practices by leveraging our advanced AI-driven solutions to identify and mitigate risks in trade finance. By analyzing vast amounts of data across the supply chain, our technology can uncover hidden patterns and indicators of forced and child labor, empowering businesses to take proactive measures to eradicate these practices from their operations.

The Challenge of Hidden Exploitation

Modern slavery and human trafficking are often deeply embedded within complex global supply chains, making them difficult to detect and eliminate. Traditional methods of oversight are insufficient to keep pace with the sophisticated tactics employed by traffickers and exploitative entities. This challenge is further compounded by the lack of transparency and visibility in many parts of the supply chain, where labor abuses can go unnoticed.

Our Technological Solution

TradeSun addresses these challenges by harnessing cutting-edge AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze trade documents, contracts, and transactional data. Our solutions can flag anomalies and risks associated with modern slavery and trafficking, providing organizations with actionable insights. This enables companies to enforce compliance with international labor standards and regulations more effectively, reducing the risk of complicity in these unlawful practices.

Who Benefits from Our Solution?

Our modern slavery and trafficking detection capabilities are designed for a wide range of stakeholders, including financial institutions, multinational corporations, and regulatory bodies. By integrating our solution into their operations, these entities can enhance their due diligence processes, protect their reputations, and contribute to global efforts to combat human rights abuses.

A Global Scope of Impact

TradeSun’s solutions are not confined to a single region or sector. Our technology is capable of operating across diverse industries and geographies, reflecting the global nature of modern slavery and trafficking. Whether it’s in agriculture, manufacturing, or technology sectors, our platform offers comprehensive coverage and robust capabilities to address these issues wherever they arise.

Sustainability Risk and Compliance Reports

Enhancing Accountability and Transparency

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, ensuring Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliance, along with regulatory adherence, is no longer optional—it’s a business imperative. TradeSun’s ESG, Compliance, and Regulatory Reporting solution is designed to empower financial institutions and corporations to navigate the complexities of these requirements seamlessly. By providing a comprehensive suite of tools that integrates advanced AI and machine learning technologies, we enable organizations to enhance their accountability and transparency, ultimately fostering trust and long-term sustainability in global trade.

Addressing Critical Challenges

Organizations face significant challenges in meeting ESG and compliance obligations. These challenges are often exacerbated by the sheer volume of data, varying regulatory standards across jurisdictions, and the need for real-time reporting. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines, reputational damage, and loss of stakeholder confidence. Our solution addresses these challenges by automating data collection, standardizing reporting formats, and offering real-time insights, allowing organizations to stay ahead of regulatory changes and mitigate risks effectively.

Our Approach to Solving the Problem

TradeSun’s approach is rooted in innovation and technology. Our platform leverages cutting-edge AI and machine learning to automatically collect, analyze, and report ESG and compliance data. This automated process not only reduces the risk of human error but also significantly speeds up reporting times. Additionally, our solution is designed to be highly adaptable, capable of integrating with existing systems, and scalable to meet the growing demands of your organization.

Moreover, we provide predictive analytics that offer actionable insights, enabling proactive decision-making. Our platform is also equipped with robust risk management features that help in identifying potential compliance breaches before they become critical issues.

Who Benefits From Our Solution

Our ESG, Compliance, and Regulatory Reporting solution is tailored for financial institutions, multinational corporations, and any organization involved in global trade. It is particularly beneficial for compliance officers, ESG managers, and executives who are responsible for ensuring that their organizations meet stringent regulatory standards. By simplifying the complexity of regulatory reporting, our solution allows these professionals to focus on strategic decision-making rather than getting bogged down by administrative tasks.

Broadening the Scope of Compliance

The scope of TradeSun’s solution extends beyond traditional compliance reporting. It includes comprehensive ESG reporting, aligning with global standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Furthermore, our platform supports compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, ensuring a holistic approach to regulatory adherence.

Sustainable Supply Chain Financing

Empowering Sustainable Trade with AI-Driven Solutions

In today’s global marketplace, the need for sustainable supply chain financing has never been more critical. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are becoming paramount as businesses strive to meet regulatory requirements, mitigate risks, and appeal to socially conscious investors. TradeSun’s Sustainable Supply Chain Financing solution offers a transformative approach that seamlessly integrates advanced AI and machine learning capabilities with a robust framework designed to optimize supply chains while ensuring compliance with ESG standards.

Addressing the Challenges of Modern Supply Chains

Supply chains are increasingly complex, and traditional financing mechanisms often fall short in addressing the myriad challenges that arise from globalization, regulatory scrutiny, and the need for sustainability. These challenges include managing environmental risks, ensuring ethical labor practices, and meeting evolving compliance standards. Companies are under pressure to demonstrate not just financial performance but also their commitment to sustainability across their supply chains. Failure to do so can result in reputational damage, financial penalties, and lost opportunities in the market.

Our Approach: Integrating ESG into Financial Workflows

TradeSun’s solution directly tackles these challenges by embedding ESG criteria into the very fabric of supply chain financing. Utilizing our advanced AI platform, we automate the identification of ESG risks, monitor compliance, and provide actionable insights that empower businesses to make informed decisions. This integration ensures that sustainability is not an afterthought but a core component of financial workflows, enhancing transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain.

Who Benefits: A Comprehensive Solution for Diverse Stakeholders

Our Sustainable Supply Chain Financing solution is designed for a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including financial institutions, corporates, and supply chain managers. Financial institutions can offer more sustainable financing products, attracting ESG-focused investors and enhancing their portfolios. Corporates can ensure that their supply chains are not only efficient but also responsible, meeting the demands of regulators, customers, and shareholders. Supply chain managers gain the tools to track, manage, and report on ESG performance, ensuring alignment with both internal policies and external requirements.

Expanding the Reach of Sustainable Finance

The scope of TradeSun’s Sustainable Supply Chain Financing extends beyond mere compliance. By leveraging our platform, organizations can scale their sustainability efforts globally, ensuring that every link in the supply chain adheres to the highest standards of ESG performance. This holistic approach not only mitigates risks but also unlocks new opportunities for growth, enabling businesses to lead in a marketplace that increasingly values sustainability.


In the medium term, banks will be required to report on ESG risk across their portfolios. With no agreed standard for this reporting, there is growing risk of cost escalation and ‘greenwashing’.

While the financial services sector currently relies on self-reporting for climate-related information, banks will increasingly be required to conduct business based on clients’ sustainability profiles by monitoring and assessing their ESG performance.

In 2022, we acquired a major ESG data player, CoriolisESG, enabling TradeSun to rollout automated ESG scoring across global trade and supply chain to better measure industry’s impact on our planet and people.

Visit the website:

Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations
EU Taxonomy Regulations

Key features of CoriolisESG:

Organizational Level

We firmly believe that sustainability starts at home.

We were pleased to partner with SustainableHQ earlier this year to track our ESG journey.

As ESG fast becomes the priority for business and society, it is imperative that companies operating across global trade, a major contributor to global business emissions, better measure their impact.

“Because ESG efforts are a journey, bumps along the way are to be expected … Companies that embed purpose in their business model not only mitigate risk; they can also create value from their values.”


We know there is still much work to do, but we believe transparency will be crucial to improving the ESG impact of all businesses.

We’d be delighted to provide you with a demonstration of our products.  Please fill out the contact form below and let us know which products you are interested in.  We will get back to you shortly.